sprintf: Format Strings


sprintf creates strings from a given template and the arguments provided. A new function (present in C and many other languages), printf, displays formatted strings.


sprintf(fmt, ..., na_string = NA_character_)

printf(fmt, ..., file = "", sep = "\n", append = FALSE, na_string = "NA")



character vector of format strings


vectors with data to format (coercible to integer, real, or character)


single string to represent missing values; if NA, missing values in ... result in the corresponding outputs be missing too


see cat


see cat


see cat


Note that the purpose of printf is to display a string, not to create a new one for use elsewhere, therefore this function, as an exception, treats missing values as "NA" strings.


sprintf returns a character vector (in UTF-8). No attributes are preserved. printf returns ‘nothing’.

Differences from Base R

Replacement for base sprintf implemented with stri_sprintf.

  • missing values in ... are treated as "NA" strings [fixed in sprintf, left in printf, but see the na_string argument]

  • partial recycling results in an error [fixed here – warning given]

  • input objects’ attributes are not preserved [not fixed, somewhat tricky]

  • in to-string conversions, field widths and precisions are interpreted as bytes which is of course problematic for text in UTF-8 [fixed by interpreting these as Unicode code point widths]

  • fmt is limited to 8192 bytes and the number of arguments passed via ... to 99 (note that we can easily exceed this limit by using do.call) [rewritten from scratch, there is no limit anymore]

  • unused values in ... are evaluated anyway (should not evaluation be lazy?) [not fixed here because this is somewhat questionable; in both base R and our case, a warning is given if this is the case; moreover, the length of the longest argument always determines the length of the output]

  • coercion of each argument can only be done once [fixed here - can coerce to integer, real, and character]

  • either width or precision can be fetched from ..., but not both [fixed here - two asterisks are allowed in format specifiers]

  • NA/NaNs are not prefixed by a sign/space even if we explicitly request this [fixed here - prefixed by a space]

  • the outputs are implementation-dependent; the format strings are passed down to the system (libc) sprintf function [not fixed here (yet), but the format specifiers are normalised more eagerly]


Marek Gagolewski

See Also

The official online manual of stringx at https://stringx.gagolewski.com/

Related function(s): paste, strrep, strtrim, substr, nchar, strwrap


# UTF-8 number of bytes vs Unicode code point width:
l <- c("e", "e\u00b2", "\u03c0", "\u03c0\u00b2", "\U0001f602\U0001f603")
r <- c(exp(1), exp(2), pi, pi^2, NaN)
cat(base::sprintf("%8s=%+.3f", l, r), sep="\n")
##        e=+2.718
##      e²=+7.389
##       π=+3.142
##     π²=+9.870
## 😂😃=NaN
cat(stringx::sprintf("%8s=%+.3f", l, r), sep="\n")
##        e=+2.718
##       e²=+7.389
##        π=+3.142
##       π²=+9.870
##     😂😃= NaN